How Is BVD Diagnosed?

what are BVD symptoms

Did you know that binocular vision dysfunction is easily misdiagnosed due to its varied symptoms?

BVD is an ocular condition where the eyes cannot coordinate. It causes issues with the alignment of the lines of sight from both eyes. The eye muscles are stressed as they try to correct the misalignment for a single visual focus. 

Many people can suffer the symptoms of BVD for years before receiving the correct diagnosis. You should see a neuro-visual optometrist at Eye Care North if you recognize any signs we discuss. They will help you know if you have BVD.


What Are the Symptoms of BVD?


  • Nausea

  • Dizziness

  • Inability to stay on the same line when reading

  • Double vision

  • Shoulder or neck strain

  • Migraines or headaches

  • Issues with coordination or balance

  • Poor depth perception

  • Panic attacks during driving

  • Motion sickness

  • Disorientations

  • Agoraphobia

  • Blurry vision

BVD will significantly affect one’s quality of life, whether children or adults. If you experience these symptoms and you are not responsive to other medical interventions, seek out an experienced optometrist.


How Do You Get BVD?


Usually, BVD is a hereditary condition, and most people are born with it. You may also get BVD if you sustain trauma to the head, have a stroke, or suffer other neurological conditions. One common cause of nonhereditary BVD is car accidents.


How Is BVD Diagnosed?


Because the symptoms of BVD are so varied, it can often be misdiagnosed as another condition. Some misdiagnoses are ADD/ADHD or dyslexia.

The only reliable method of diagnosis is a comprehensive eye exam by an experienced or qualified optometrist. First, you will fill out a questionnaire prepared by the eye doctor. The questions will help the eye doctor determine if you have BVD from your symptoms. Eye doctors usually have two questionnaires. One questionnaire is for young kids below 12 or 13, and one for all other ages.

After filling out the questionnaire, the eye doctor will perform a comprehensive eye exam. If they are a neuro-visual eye doctor, they will also perform a neuro-visual examination. The last test determines if your eyes are correctly aligned.


How Is BVD Treated?


Eye doctors can successfully treat BVD through several strategies. The most popular are vision therapy and optical and prism lenses. 


  • Vision Therapy

Vision therapy is a customizable program mainly used for BVD patients with intense dizziness. Vision therapy works to improve communication between the eyes and the brain. It alleviates BVD symptoms by supporting the visual system to be more effective. Combining optical lenses and vision therapy will slowly disappear the symptoms of BVD.


  • Prism Lenses

Prism lenses work by manipulating light before it enters the eye to help correct the misalignment. The two different images reach the brain independently, and the brain can successfully merge them. It helps reduce the strain on the eye muscles. Your eyes will be less fatigued immediately after using prism lenses.

For more on how BVD is diagnosed, visit Eye Care North at our Cave Creek, Arizona office. Call 480-781-4446 to book an appointment today.

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