How NeuroVisual Medicine Helps with Neck Pain

neck pain relief


NeuroVisual medicine is the term used to describe treatment for a very common visual condition called Binocular Vision Dysfunction. Known as BVD for short, this condition is characterized by the subtle misalignment of the eyes that prevents them from working together in perfect synchronization. NeuroVisual medicine is currently one of the few effective treatment options to successfully reduce and even eliminate the many different symptoms of BVD, including neck pain.


How Does Binocular Vision Dysfunction Cause Neck Pain?


Binocular Vision Dysfunction may be caused by a misalignment of the eyes, but the effects extend much further than just your vision. In fact, issues with the shoulder, head, and neck are an extremely common part of BVD.


When the eyes are only ever so slightly misaligned, our body will automatically try and correct the misalignment so that our brain receives one single, clear image. There are various ways in which our bodies will do this. As well as placing the visual system itself under considerable strain, we may also subconsciously adjust our body position. This could be tilting our head slightly to one side, leaning forwards or backward, or slouching. Holding tension in the head, neck, shoulders and upper back is also extremely common.


The effects of BVD are most obvious when we are spending time visually concentrating, such as when using a computer or digital device. Since digital device use already places the visual system under abnormal levels of stress, any misalignment will only compound these effects, making them considerably worse. Digital eye strain and BVD often go hand in hand, with many people unable to tell one from the other, especially since the symptoms of both are extremely similar. 


Other Symptoms of Binocular Vision Dysfunction


Of course, neck pain is only one of a whole list of symptoms that are associated with BVD. Some of the other signs of the condition can include:


  • Double vision

  • Sensitivity to light and glare

  • Blurred vision

  • Skipping lines when reading

  • Losing your place when reading

  • Struggling with reading comprehension

  • Eye fatigue

  •  Dizziness

  • Covering or closing one eye to make your vision better

  • Headaches

  • Jaw tension and pain

  • Motion sickness

  • Anxiety in environments where there is a lot of visual stimulation

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, we strongly recommend that you make an appointment with an eye doctor that specializes in neurovisual medicine.


How Does NeuroVisual Medicine Help With Neck Pain?


NeuroVisual medicine involves the use of contoured microprism being placed into glasses lenses. The purpose of this microprism is to displace the image that is seen and interpreted by one eye so that it falls into alignment with the other. By aligning both images in the same visual plane, it reduces the pressure that is placed on the eyes, the muscles around the eyes, and the nerves serving them. You’ll find you no longer subconsciously alter your body position to make yourself more comfortable, and this will alleviate the symptoms you have been experiencing.


How much prism you will need in lenses will be determined after a comprehensive assessment. After this, your provider will work with you to carefully adjust the level of prism incorporated into the lenses in order to achieve optimal visual clarity.


If you are struggling with neck pain that you believe could be a result of BVD, please schedule an appointment with our NeuroVisual Medicine team in Cave Creek , AZ  today at (480) 781-4446 for an assessment.

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