The eyeXpress Hydration System

eyeXpress Hydration System

The eyeXpress™ Eye Hydration System is a hands-free device developed for in-office therapy to relieve symptoms of dry eye while assisting eye hydration. The unique goggle system applies continuous heat to the upper and lower eyelid at the same time.

​​​​​​​The eyeXpress® increases the tear film and aids in the eye hydrating itself. It provides a regulated temperature and softens the meibum (the oily substance that prevents evaporation of the eye's tear film). This aids in the unclogging of the meibomian glands (the oil glands of the eyelids) during the expression treatment performed by the doctor.

​​​​​​​Client Testimonials

"My dry eye experience began in 1983 when I was 37 years old. At the time, there were not many options for treatments. Even over the counter remedies were limited, so I have prescribed a compounded Methyl Cellulose Gumdrop that was very thick and actually gave me some relief. In a few years, that became unavailable to me so I began the usual over the counter drug journey. Nothing seemed to work. I moved on to plugging my tear ducts and even having them cauterized. When Restasis came on the market I was sure it was the answer for me, but quite honestly in the years and years, I used it I never felt it worked that well. I had many incidences of Blepharitis, and what docs thought were allergies, so throw those drugs in as well- Pantonol and Alaway mostly. If I am boring you with details, it is only to point out that my dry eyes ran my life. I remember saying at my annual physical- the only thing wrong with me is my dry eyes and they made me miserable.

Five years ago my husband and I moved to Arizona. You can imagine that did not help my situation at all. One day I noticed that Dr. Julie Lam was speaking on dry eye syndrome at my local library. I went to hear her and was so impressed that she really seemed to get that dry eyes can affect one's quality of life. When I was finally at the end of my rope I went to her website and saw that she was offering what seemed to be a new and innovative treatment for dry eye discomfort. I also read that dry eyes can also be caused, not only by lack of tear production but plugged glands around the eyelashes that prevent the oils needed to retain your tears from reaching the eye itself. The more I read, the more I knew I was that person. It was also the point in my life that I had thrown the Restasis out as it seemed to irritate more than help me.
I moved forward with the expression of my oil glands four months ago. It is a four treatment process and I knew after the first one that it was going to work for me. I am no longer putting drops in my eyes a dozen times a day, I do not wake up with my eyelids stuck to my eyes, I do not have the bright red inner lids, I do not feel compelled to sit down and close my eyes in the middle of the day and I think my sensitivity to sunlight has improved as well. Dr. Lam can attest to the fact that the amount of tears I have has increased and the evaporation rate has extended. Those are numbers that support what I am feeling. Truthfully I am sure I am an easier person to live without the constant discomfort I had before. A day or two ago I realized that I no longer think about using eye drops during the day. My eyes are always comfortable and I am able to get by using drops during my morning and evening eyelid cleansing (which I do NOT ignore). Only those of us with serious dry eyes know the desperation to find comfort. I believe the expression treatments have changed that for me and I am so grateful to Dr. Lam for making that possible."
- Margie W.

"Dr. Lam is very knowledgeable about dry eyes. She is committed to giving the best treatment possible in the area and it has made a huge difference to the quality of my life. Dr. Lam is very professional and caring doctor. I know she wants to do the best by her patients.

I'm currently getting ready to try contacts again and I know that the process will be watched carefully and with a high level of professionalism.

Within a brief time, you determined that I had very dry eyes and discussed with me a treatment to improve my vision going forward. I started with the eyeXpress treatment as well as a daily regimen with warm eye packs and expressing my tear ducts. It made a huge difference in my eye comfort level within a very short time. What a relief! I also now use specific eye drops daily as well as blinking my eyes on a regular basis.

I am very grateful for finding you! I had been using contacts for about a year, but as time went on my eyesight was degrading and I became very frustrated with this current optometrist who told me he couldn't help. Luckily a friend of mine recommended you.“
- Kay M.

Thank you for your excellent care! And your staff is great, too. “

"I never want to go through such dry eye nonsense again. I look forward to my four-month follow-up knowing very well I will get a good report.

I couldn't have agreed more. My eyes feel so great, I can see much better, and I continue to use Retaine eye drops, the fish oil, the OcuSoft lid scrubs, the at-home eyeXpress treatment, and the eyelid massage.

During my annual eye exam, my dry eyes were red and sore. I really didn't know how bad they were. You suggested using Retaine eye drops and take three PRN fish oil for one month and with a follow-up visit. My eyes felt a little better, but testing showed they were pretty bad. That's the first I'd ever heard about eyeXpress. You explained everything so well, it only made sense to do the eyeXpress treatments. I opted for four treatments (one per month). After one month, I was not very encouraged, but after two months, I felt there was major improvement. Again, I was wrong. There was some improvement, but not nearly enough. Your instructions were very good, and I followed them with rare exceptions. After four months, you told me I was nearly normal (maybe you said my eyes were nearly normal). I'm told we hear what we want to hear.“
- Paul M.

Thanks for taking great care of my eyes!”

“Game Changer!!! I've used Restasis and Xiidra drops. I've had eye plugs and I've done Lipiflow among other drops, compresses, and fish oil! When I initially saw [Dr. Julie Lam], she told me if we could get my evaporation level to “6” or “7” [seconds] she'd be happy, but there was no way I'd ever be an “8”, “9” or “10”! Well after the EyeXpress treatments, the pharma grade fish oil, the removal of the plugs, and the eye compresses at night, my last visit my left eye was “10” [seconds]!! The right was an “8” or “9” [seconds]! I'm so much more comfortable now. The light sensitivity has gone down, the excess eye watering is gone. I'm able to wear contacts responsibly for longer than a couple of hours! I'm very happy with the results and I thought I was doomed to be uncomfortable forever...Thank you [Dr. Julie Lam]! " - Karen B.

​​​​​​​“I tried eye drops but relief was temporary. After the EyeXpress treatment and daily treatment at home, my eyes are much better. The constant watering in eyes has stopped. Prior to the EyeXpress treatment I would suddenly have tears rolling down my cheeks. That symptom has stopped. The itchy eyes has stopped. I am very happy with my eyes current condition!” - Ronald

​​​​​​​“My first dry eye treatment was Lipiflow. After one year all dry eye symptoms returned. I prefer the EyeXpress Eye Hydration System. After 4 treatments and doing my homework every day my dry eyes improved dramatically, and I feel a lot better. My eyes feel better even on windy days and allergy season. I have a lot less tearing, burning, stinging, and itchiness in my eyes. I rarely feel any eye problem and it's been almost 1 year.” - Karen M.

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